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Demystifying EPSRC Peer Review
Welcome to Demystifying EPSRC Peer Review
Hello! (5:10)
UPDATE: July 2022
Online References to Get You Started
EPSRC Glossary (March 2022)
EPSRC Myth-busting Guide (April 2022)
Proposal Workflow Guide (July 2022)
Need help? Clarification and Q&As ...
Module 1: Introduction
Laying the foundation for the Demystifying EPSRC Peer Review course (20:25)
Module 2: Inside EPSRC
The Principles of Peer Review (6:38)
EPSRC Structure: Who Does What, Themes, and Research Areas (6:27)
The Importance of Remit (14:27)
How to Contact an EPSRC Portfolio Manager in Five Easy Steps
Module 3: General Proposal Tips
"That's what I wrote but that's not what I meant!" -- why clear communication is key (20:04)
Module 4: Peer Review Process
The journey from submission to review (25:21)
Module 5: The Proposal
What reviewers are assessing + what NOT to write in a PI response (36:02)
Module 6: The Prioritisation Panel
Behind the scenes: what happens at panel? (26:01)
Module 7: What's Next?
Post panel and the other side of peer review (8:06)
Questions? Comments? Feedback?
EPSRC Structure: Who Does What, Themes, and Research Areas
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